Akashic Records

My mission at large is to help people experience happiness.

Know Thyself

When I teach the basics of learning to draw I explain that as artists we have a job to do. Humans have two eyes. Because of that we see the world in the third dimension meaning, width, height, and depth. A piece of paper however is flat. It exists in the second dimension, width and height. The difficulty for the artist is to translate a three dimensional image onto paper, making what we observe flat. This is the hardest part, because our brain plays tricks with us.

To give people the illusion of depth, we need to apply a technique called hatching and cross-hatching. The more skilled an artist is in creating the illusion of depth, the more believable is the picture. This can be done in painting as well as in drawing.

According to Einstein, you can add another dimension to it and that is; time. Time is the fourth dimension. It already gets tricky here because we are leaving the tangible world. You cannot touch time. A dimension is essentially a measurable factor in determining an object's general description in terms that are easy to understand. Time still follows that, in determining whether the object is somewhere, was somewhere, will be somewhere, or is moving.

I have been trying to express this fourth dimension on canvas. The dance is typically an art form that moves through time. To put that difference in perspective I made an illusion of movement in front of a century old building. The building has a low vibration and is solid in the third dimension, but the dancer is an expression in the fourth dimension, light and airy as ballet dancers can be.

That’s four dimensions especially when discussing the properties of spacetime, there’s an additional fifth dimension added in, too. Strangely enough, we have no clear concept of this. Scientists think it has to be other points in time, but spiritual people believe it is all about energy.

In the spiritual world there is no time-constraint. Instead, there is a constant experience of the all. Past, present and future, all at once. Life after death is very real. Alternate dimensions are real. Spirits and energies are real. Anyone who has delved deep enough into different cultures will tell you just how real this stuff is.

But to some people, it’s simply too far outside of their boxes, that they are unable to perceive the spiritual world or want anything to do with it.

I work in all five dimensions. As an art teacher I can help people to learn to draw and make new neuro-pathways in their brain but I can also find clarity for life’s situations through accessing the fifth dimension. Since 2013 I have been a certified soul re-alignment practitioner and helped many people to understand certain aspects of their life.

My mission at large is to help people experience happiness.

When you are ready, don’t hesitate to ask me for a look into the Akashic Records on your behalf. A reading costs $297 and a follow up with specific questions about implementations $197. Both are discussed through zoom in a 60 minute session.

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